How to Buy a Desktop PC - PCWorld This link really breaks down what a person should think about before purchasing a PC which makes perfect sense to me. There are many questions you should ask befoe jumping in and buying a computer. Depending on your purpose for purchasing a PC will make a difference when it comes to decision making.
For example , are you buyhing a PC for business use? This would entail your standard office tasks. Possibly, the larger the business, the more power and memory, but you mainly would gear towards administrative programs, etc. In todays market, most PC's would be likely to accommodate these tasks.
If you are purchasing a PC for gaming, manipulating video or audio, you might want to gear towards a PC that is a "four-core" processor also known as a "Quad-core" processor because with the acception to a few of the seious involved games, a quad-core processor can deliver all benefits to the serious gamer.
Asus Motherboard Box Doubles as a PC Case - PCWorld In addition to t he purchasing a PC different companies are looking at different area's to cut down on shipping and creating the ability to ship motherboards so that it is contained and secured in the casing that can be shipped in itself without packaging and designs of motherboards so that you can get you computer up and running much faster.
Taiwan's Asus is working on this concept. They claim that one design would have punch out holes for ventilation and an actual panel that conains all the guts or connectors and interfacing the motherboard would need to get one's computer up and going very quickly. This would allow the user to be able to continue to search for the casing of their choice while still having their computer being used. Asus gives this idea of this type of motherboard a life time of one year, would save on shipping and again, would allow the person time to search for the specific desire of the casing they desire.