I chose to do a summary from Jerry Brinkley's blog informing us on computer storage http://www.brighthub.com/computing/hardware/articles/13746.aspx He spoke about the terminology of storage
He used the example of the word "RAM" and how he did not refer or connect that with storage, but how it did get his attention to know it was related to compters. He used to relate storage for a computer to the "hard drive." He stated how he only connected hard drive and floppy disks to retrieve information. It got his curiousity up to find out other types of storage for computers.
http://www.interfacebus.com/Flash_Memory_Card_Types.html Jerry found a web site that identified 4 different types of storage devices. They are 1. Primary 2. Secondary 3. Teritary and 4. Offline. He discovered that the hard drive was not included in the 4 types of devices. That a hard drive is not a primary storage device. In reality RAM and CACHE are primary storage devices.The other 3 types showed example devices. Flash Memory is a secondary device. Teritary storage device would be like a jukebox. He used the example of a floppy disk as an offline device.